Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (2024)

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How To Make Lemon Ginger Tea: 3-IngredientLemon Ginger Detox Tea Recipe, a tasty fresh-made wellness drink to jumpstart your morning!

Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (1)

Why We Love This Ginger Lemon Detox Tea

Anyone who knows me well, knows I’m a fan of detox tea. In my line of work, it comes in handy. After all, recipe testing, eating, traveling, and eating some more, can take a toll.

When I travel, I keepdetox tea bagson hand to drink in the evenings before bed. This helps eliminate extra water weight so I fit into my clothes the next morning. The Yogi and Traditional Medicinal brands are my favorites. You can also drinkdandelion teato achieve the same goal.

However, at home, I like to sip a detox tea that tastes fresher, and boosts my metabolism! This homemade Lemon Ginger Tea is fresh, easy to make and so soothing! If you are feeling sick or have a sore throat, this tea will help you feel better in no time.

You might have tasted something similar in an Asian restaurant at some point. Most often sushi bars and Korean restaurants offer fresh-made lemon ginger tea with a heavy amount of honey. Usually, it’s served with long ginger strands resting in the bottom of the mug. The flavor is warm, zippy, and devilishly sweet.

However, if you remove most (or all) of the honey, you’ve got a fabulous Lemon Ginger Detox Tea Recipe that will help aid and soothe digestion, boost your immune system, help reduce inflammation, and clear your sinuses!

Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (2)

What are the Benefits of Lemon Ginger Detox Tea?

Lemonis a natural diuretic that helps purge unwanted water weight. It also causes your stomach topuckerwhen consumed, so your stomach is smaller for a time. That means if you drink it before a meal, you will feel full after eating less food.

Lemon juice also freshens your breath, boosts your immunity with antioxidants, improves your skin, and helps with digestion, amongmany other benefits.

Gingerworks as a detoxifier, helping remove unwanted chemicals from your body. It is also known to improve digestion, suppress your appetite, and keep your metabolism fired up all day. It is also helpful for digestion and nausea. The powerful healing properties of ginger have along list of health benefits, including cancer prevention!

Put these two power-packed ingredients together and you have a Lemon Ginger Detox Tea Recipe that can get your body back on track in no time.

Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (3)

Ingredients For Ginger Lemon Tea

  • Fresh Ginger Root – grated for lots of flavor
  • Lemon – lemon wedge with the peel
  • Water – hot water
  • Honey – don’t add honey if you are using this tea for detox purposes
Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (4)

How To Make Ginger Tea

Boil water in a kettle.

Use a large coarse grater to shave fresh ginger into a mug. Place a wedge of fresh lemon in the mug. You can place both in a tea infuser to strain the tea if you like. Pour boiling water into the cup and let the lemon and ginger steep for 5 minutes before serving.

Add honey to taste and stir if drinking for enjoyment. Skip the honey (or use very little) if drinking as a detox tea.

As for the honey, I’ve included it in the recipe so you can taste the restaurant version. Honey does have its own list of health benefits, so if you need to sweeten your tea a little, that’s ok. If you are not a honey fan you can use the sweetener of your choice.

However, I personallyneveradd the honey when I’m using this Lemon Ginger Detox Tea Recipe as a bodily reset. I just don’t want the extra sugar messing up my detox.

Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (5)

Detox Tea Tips & Tricks

  • You can use atea infuserto strain out the ginger and lemon slices iffloatiesbother you. I actually like the little bits of fresh ginger swirling around my cup. I swallow them whole, knowing the more ginger I consume, the better.
  • You can also pour this Lemon Ginger Detox Tea Recipe over ice, in your water bottle, and sip it all day long!
  • To Make An Entire Pot/Large Batch: Make as instructed above using 2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger, 1 small sliced lemon or 1/2 large lemon, 6 cups boiling water, (optional) 4-5 tablespoons honey.
  • Want to take this tea to the next level? Instead of using a spoon to stir this drink, use a cinnamon stick.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ginger lemon tea good for?

Ginger lemon tea is great when you are feeling sick. Ginger and lemon are both good sources of vitamin c and have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties. It is also great to jump start your metabolism in order to detox your body!

How many times a day should I drink ginger and lemon tea?

You can definitely drink lemon ginger detox tea every day, up to 3 times a day, if desired. If you have a medical condition that might be affected by consuming too much ginger and lemon, please consult your doctor.

Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (6)

Looking for More Healthy Detox Recipes? Be Sure to Also Try:

  • Chicken Detox Soup
  • Detox Celery Juice
  • Roasted Salmon Detox Recipe
  • Healthy Baked Carrot Chips
  • Southwest Detox Chicken Soup

Check the printable recipe card below for the nutrition information including calories, carbohydrates, protein, sodium, potassium, fiber, vitamin c, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, and calcium percentages. Make sure to share this recipe on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (7)

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Lemon Ginger Detox Tea Recipe

Prep Time: 2 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 7 minutes minutes

How To Make Ginger Tea: Lemon Ginger Detox Tea Recipe – A cleansing tea, perfect for jump-starting your diet! Try sipping this 3 ingredient Lemon Ginger Tea in the morning.

Servings: 1 cup


US CustomaryMetric

  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 2-3 teaspoons raw honey (skip for detox)


  • Boil water in a kettle.

  • Use a large coarsegrater to shave fresh ginger into a mug. Place a wedge of fresh lemon in the mug. You can place both in a tea infuser to strain the tea if you like. Pour boiling water into the cup and let the lemon and ginger steep for 5 minutes before serving.

  • Add honey to taste if drinking for enjoyment. Skip the honey (or use very little) if drinking as a detox tea.



To Make An Entire Pot: Make as instructed above using 2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger, 1 small sliced lemon or 1/2 large lemon, 6 cups boiling water, (optional) 4-5 tablespoons honey.


Serving: 1cup, Calories: 75kcal, Carbohydrates: 21g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 0g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Cholesterol: 0mg, Sodium: 15mg, Potassium: 149mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 14g, Vitamin C: 57.3mg, Calcium: 28mg, Iron: 0.6mg

Course: Drinks

Cuisine: American

Author: Sommer Collier

Making this recipe?Follow us on Instagram and tag @ASpicyPerspective so we can share what you’re cooking!

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Lemon Ginger Tea (Detox Tea Recipe) - A Spicy Perspective (2024)
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